Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A glimpse of my day

Here are two of the animals I work with at the zoo.
This is Freeday. He is an Indian Runner Duck.

This is Cody. He is a North American Porcupine. I train him on a few different behaviors.

Aren't they cute?

Thursday, September 23, 2010

New hair cut

I got a new hair cut today and the lady thought that I was still in high school. This was even after we had discussed how I work at the zoo. So, in one blow she knocked down me and my career. I guess I should be happy that she thinks I'm still in high school and one day I will probably miss getting comments like that. Right now though, it is like "No! I graduated from college about two years ago now thank you very much." Then, after I told her that I indeed had a college degree she goes "So what are you doing now?" Um HELLO!! We just discussed that I work at the zoo. I said "Well, the zoo IS my full time career". She just didn't get it.

Also, when I go and get my hair cut, people always comment on how healthy my hair is. The shampoo lady commented on it and then so did the stylist. Then, in the next breath they both try to sell me all of these crazy products that I "should" be using. I always want to say, "Didn't you just tell me how healthy my hair is? Did you ever consider that could be because I DON'T use millions of products on it?"